Find the courage within

Do you want personal service where we focus solely on your situation? With effective clearing methods we will find your already existing perfect true essence. Old, non-functioning and energy-consuming protective armors will be taken off. We will reveal what and who you really are when there's nothing to be afraid of. You are already perfect and by using the clearing methods you will be completely yourself in any situation. Roles and controlling become unnecessary. We will seek your true self instead of strategies to handle situations.

The intention of meetings can also be preparation for a specific goal for which you would need mental coaching. We'll form you a training package that takes into account your schedule, resources and preferences.

Do you feel 

that you have tried everything, but it doesn't lead to fulfilment or even happiness? Did you know, that thought patterns, beliefs and fears, as wells as how we communicate with ourselves and others create everything what we perceive around us (law of reflection and law of attraction). The perceived environment is therefore different for everyone. If you feel that you are not facing the things you'd wish for, it is important to recognize the belief patterns and fears that slow down the achievement of your dreams.

In our 1:1 services, we won't stay in analyzing mode forever. As soon you become aware of the first patterns and fears, we will use effective methods to neutralize and release them. When you allow yourself to let things go, you begin to see opportunities instead of threats. Then the perfect you starts to take the stage. Would you be interested in digging deeper into your thinking patterns and communication?

There is nothing wrong with you

Your fears or belief patterns are not flaws or weaknesses in you. Negative beliefs are just learned models that you have proven to be true through experience. You may have repeated them thousands of times. Most beliefs are from childhood, or they have formed in such a state of mind when you didn't have any chance to rationalise them.

Beliefs, thoughts and feelings get stuck in the body. When they have effect for a long time, they can manifest themselves as pain, illness or injuries in certain parts of the body. Dismantling beliefs therefore also heals the body, and the process can be accelerated by using energy healing therapy.

In a state of peace, you can see your thoughts from a distance and from a different point of view. Harmful beliefs can be cleared and converted very quickly into fruitful possibilities. The harder it feels to let go, the greater rewards likely await.

Unique obstacles, unique opportunities

I will bring all my skills to assist you in your path. Your job is to give yourself permission to be curious, open and permissive. It is important to look neutrally your history and patterns, and to give a chance to new ones. Curiosity about life and its laws helps in moving forward.

Progress does not always feel easy. Fears can feel like a dragon-sized difficulties to face! Or, you feel that you don't see or feel any obstacles or nothing to clarify, but still you don't feel good. By referring to universal laws, the difficulties reflected outside can be found within ourselves. This may sound radical and even make you angry, but the good news are that also the solution can also be found within ourselves!

Services at 1:1

Belief clearing

A harmful belief or an emotional state stalls life and even causes pain. They are hidden in the subconscious mind and that's why we don't realize them. When harmful beliefs are cleared, life begins to reveal itself in a whole new way. 

This is perhaps the most effective way to renew and move forward! Several techniques are available.

Spiritual knowledge

This means introducing perhaps a whole new way of thinking. Harmful beliefs are cleared by looking at things from a Divine point of view, where the world is already ready, nothing needs to be changed and we all are perfect just as we are. This section includes, for example, meditative imagery journeys in a zero state.


Kundalini yoga meditations are really effective in clearing subconscious blocks and replacing them by more fruitful patterns.

You get both guided meditations as wells as various techniques for your own use.

Energy healing

Energy healing therapy strongly affects the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. The background of pain is often harmful beliefs, feelings or memories, and on the other hand, living with the pain maintains it. When energy therapy is done hand in hand with emotional and belief work, results are fast.

Breathing exercises, pranayama

Breathing exercises are an effective way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, i.e. relieve stress, as well as affect on emotional states. You get guided coaching and different techniques.

If you feel that your life needs clearing or a new direction, contact by using the form below. Let's choose the most suitable ways to resolve the situation!